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    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 30 days
    Commission type Percent of Sale
    Base commission 8.00%
    The Excel Skin™ is the best way for Mac users to learn Mac Excel shortcuts and save time, fast.

    Shortcuts are displayed on a high-quality silicone keyboard cover. Shortcut and modifier keys are color-coded so even complex combinations are intuitive and easy to execute.

    The Excel Skin™ is compatible with nearly every Apple keyboard, including all unibody Macbook Pros (including Retina models), 13" Macbook Airs, and Apple's ultra-thin wireless keyboards.


    We have two primary audiences.

    1) Current Mac owners who use Excel for work and/or home enough to care about efficiency and proficiency.

    Within this category, there are homogenous, easy-to-target groups. They include data-driven tech startups, entrepreneurs, and business and engineering students.

    2) Potential PC switchers. This large potential customer group comprises individuals with experience using Microsoft Excel on a PC who would like to switch to Mac. They often cite shortcomings of Excel for Mac as a reason not maintain the status quo. We have received feedback from customers that the Excel Skin was a critical consideration in their decision to switch from PC to Mac.

    Our target audience are English-speakers based primarily based in the USA. The Excel Skin™ sells best when potential customers discover it through credible social media, like a friend's recommendation on Facebook. More homogenous and interconnected groups are the most viral. For example, closed groups affiliated with universities and companies do very well.

    The average order size is one unit, sold at $29.99. Shipping is $5.99 and orders nearly always ship within 24 hours during business days. Average order sizes are increasing due to small quantity orders. In most cases, these orders of 10-20 Excel Skins follow a single unit trial at a company, which then places a large order.

    Why Market the Excel Skin

    The Excel Skin™ is the best way for Mac users to become proficient and efficient in Excel for Mac.

    At $29.99, the Excel Skin creates more customer value than competitive products, which are only silicone keyboard covers and do not offer any educational benefit. It does not take long for a frequent user to save 5-10 hours of time by learning keyboard shortcuts. If one values his or her time at $50, $20, or even $5 per hour hour, the Excel Skin pays for itself quickly.

    It's Exclusive
    The Excel Skin™ is an exclusive product. We created it, own the rights to it, and manage our sales and marketing efforts.

    Limited Competition
    We have two competitors: free lists of keyboard shortcuts and lack of awareness. In other words, we are the only seller of a product in a market that didn't exist before we introduced the Excel Skin™. Judging by our strong offline and online conversion rates, our most significant challenge is lack of awareness.

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